Explore Ontario

mobile application to educate users about the places they visit

Explore Ontario is a mobile application that provides natural, cultural, and historical information of parks to user based their interest by utilizing realtime-location and geofencing for audio playback. Our application aims to solve the problem of a lack of access of information of your surrounding when you are walking in parks.

To create this application, we partnered with Ontario Parks, an agency under the government of Ontario, to solicit feedback and suggestions. n particular, we actively collaborated with the superintendent of Arrowhead Provincial Park to understand potential users’ needs and how we can use the application to help parks by reducing the need for maintenance through digitalizing signage.

Basic functionlities of the application, from left to right: Map Navigation, Audio Playback, and Choose Point of Interest.

By creating this application, we aim to make the parks of ontario more accessible by including features such as list view of point of intersts for visually impaird user and text based description for hearing impaird users.

Accessibility feature of the application, including a list view of point of intersts and text based descriptions.

The application is open sourced under MIT Licence. To access the source code, click here.